Bucaneve Doria Senza Glutine

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Bucaneve Doria Senza Glutine

Bucaneve Doria Senza Glutine

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Formato 200g

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Unico e inimitabile Bucaneve nella sua versione senza glutine per una gustosa colazione.


  • Senza Lattosio


  • Farina di mais
  • Amido di mais
  • Zucchero
  • Fecola di patate
  • Olio di palma
  • Miele
  • Uova
  • Latte scremato in polvere delattosato
  • Aromi
  • Sciroppo di glucosio
  • Agenti lievitanti: carbonati di ammonio e carbonati di sodio
  • Sale
  • Albume d'uovo in polvere.

Può contenere soia.

Contiene 200g

Today our assortment allows us to offer over 1000 products for celiacs of all kinds , from the freshest to frozen products, all of the highest quality, becoming an irreplaceable point of reference among the celiac shops in Bergamo.

Thanks to the numerous manufacturing companies we supply ourselves with, at the Celiachia Point Bergamo store you will find a very rich range of gluten-free, milk and egg-free products, all of the highest quality, strictly guaranteed A.I.C.

The very high level of selected raw materials and the care in preparation guarantee the food on sale in our shop the taste that gluten-free products often do not have.

All the brands offered are authorized by the Ministry of Health and the products are payable with A.S.L. and in any case included in the handbook drawn up by the A.I.C. Italian Celiac Association.


Since March 2014 we have been offering the experience and expertise as always, both in careful and targeted advice towards customers and in the offer of numerous products, always up to the expectations of our customers.